The FIAT Mission

To improve relationships between law enforcement officers, departments and agencies, both public and private, in an effort to increase efficiency in processing and suppressing financial fraud offenses.

The FIAT Constitution and By-Laws

The FIAT Constitution and By-Laws are provided here for further information and explanation.



In order to secure a closer relationship between law enforcement officers, departments and agencies, both public and private, and perfecting more efficient handling, processing and suppressing of financial fraud offenses, we do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Fraud Investigators Association of Texas.

Article I

NAME: The name of this organization shall be “Fraud Investigators Association of Texas.”

Article II

MEMBERSHIP: The membership in the organization shall be open to all law enforcement officers, special agents, private industry and bank investigators, the duties of such being the identification and/or prosecution of financial fraud offenders.

Article III

OFFICERS: Officers of the Fraud Investigators Association of Texas shall consist of The Chairman, President, President Emeritus, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, 4th Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Sergeant-at-Arms and a ten-member Board of Governors.

Article IV


Section 1

Elections shall be held at the annual conference.

Section 2

Any member in good standing shall be eligible to vote and hold office

Section 3

Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership in attendance.


Article I

NAME: The name of the organization shall be “Fraud Investigators Association of Texas.”

Article II


Section 1

To improve the methods and procedures in connection with the identification and apprehension of financial fraud offenders and to promote better communication between law enforcement officers, special agents, private industry and bank investigators.

Section 2

To hold annually, not less than one fraud conference and the holding of regional meeting as designated during the year.

Article III

Membership and Dues

Section 1

The membership in the organization shall be divided into four classes:

  1. Law Enforcement Officers or any agency support personnel whose duty includes financial investigations of fraud in some capacity, and who is regularly employed by the Federal Government, the state, the counties, and the municipalities of their respective states.
  2. Investigators in the employment of financial institutions or the private industry, the duties of such being the investigation of financial fraud.
  3. Educators or class coordinators employed by certified police academies or training centers.
  4. Felony criminal prosecutors or White Collar Crime Prosecutors.

Section 2

No member shall use the name of the Organization in any way for personal gain, special privilege, favor, or any way that would discredit, or shame the Association and its members.

  1. The Executive Board on finding a member in violation of any or all of the above; shall notify said member of their findings.
  2. Termination of membership for violation(s) of Article III, Section 2, shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 3

Membership dues shall be zero dollars ($0.00) per annum.

Article IV


Section 1

The Officers of the Association shall be: The Chairman, President, President Emeritus, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, 4th Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and a ten-member Board of Governors.

Section 2

The Executive Board shall be compromised of all elected officers.

Section 3

All past presidents shall automatically become members of the Executive Advisory Committee, which shall be a permanent committee and are exempt from annual dues. Past presidents are also exempt from all registration fees at FIAT conference, except those presidents who are gainfully employed.

Article V

Duties of Officers

Section 1

The Chairman shall preside at all regular and executive meetings, appoint Sergeant-at-Arms, appoint all committees, and will always chair the Board. All regional meetings will be on his/her approval. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 5-10 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  • 3 year term with option for extension pending board approval
  • Create monthly board conference calls
  • Email Annual Conference announcements to previous attendees
  • Main contact for the organization along with President
  • Will be a signer on bank accounts
  • Will be Registered Agent with the organization with the Secretary of State and IRS

Section 2

The President shall preside at all regular and executive meetings. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 2-5 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and will increase the closure to the conference.

  • Create a board group to assist with upcoming conference
  • Point of contact for annual conference
  • Contact local Hotel-work with Treasurer and Chairman with contract items
  • Create the conference agenda: gain assistance from Secretary, President Emeritus, and First President, if needed
  • Coordinate the agenda with speakers
  • Speak at the conference
  • Main speaker on monthly calls for upcoming conference status
  • Assist Treasurer with ordering Plaques for speakers.

Section 3

The President Emeritus is the previous years President. They will assist the current President, Secretary, and current Executive Board with the upcoming conference. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 2-5 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

Section 4

The 1st Vice President shall assist the President and shall perform all duties of the President in his absence. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 2-5 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  • Schedule TCOLE representative from police contacts. Main contact for TCOLE representative.
  • Assist President with speakers and agenda.

Section 5

The 2nd Vice President shall assist the President and 1st Vice President and shall perform all the duties of President and 1st Vice President in their absence. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-3 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  • Contact local law enforcement agency to be Welcome Speaker at the conference
  • Update Social Media site: Facebook. Work with IT Board Member.

Section 6

The 3rd Vice President shall assist the President, 1st Vice President and the 2nd Vice President and shall perform the duties of President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President in their absence. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-3 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  • Work with Fourth President on donations: Businesses
  • Work on creating and printing certificate of attending and name tags.

Section 7

The 4th Vice President shall assist the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3rd Vice President and shall perform the duties of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3rd Vice President in their absence. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-3 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  • Work with Third President on donations: Businesses
  • Work on creating and printing certificate of attending and name tags.

Section 8

The Secretary

Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-5 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference.

  1. Answer all communications addressed to him/her or submitted by the Chairman, President, and Treasurer
  2. Maintain all necessary records for the orderly conduct of the business of the Association
  3. Prepare, maintain, and distribute annual membership rosters in a timely basis
  4. Type up meeting minutes and send them to board after the conference
  5. Assist current President with scheduling the Annual Conference Agenda

Section 9

The Treasurer

Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 5-10 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and may increase the closure to the conference. Once the conference has concluded the Treasurer will send the final financial report to the board.

  1. Collect and disburse all monies in the name of the Association.
  2. Maintain applicable financial records of the Association to ensure adequate accountability and documentation of all financial business.
  3. Prepare and submit a semi-annual financial report to include all receipts and disbursements for approval of the Executive Board. This report is to be submitted along with all supportive documentation no later than the first day of the second month after the conference.
  4. Assists the Host City in all financial matters pertinent to the Conference.
  5. Sign contract for Hotel; be contact person for hotel staff
  6. Create spreadsheet for financials, attendees, payments for annual conference
  7. Responsible for all financials for the organization (Microsoft Office, Website security, PO Box, Hosting and domain site renewals-expenses, Conference payment finalization)
  8. File annual taxes: IRS and State Comptroller
  9. Work with IT board member on payments and Donation board members on any donations received. Work with hospitality board member on any needs.
  10. Signer on the bank account.
  11. Will be a Member on the Secretary of State documents and IRS documents.
  12. Assist President with ordering Plaques for speakers.

Section 10

The Hospitality board member will be responsible for set up and take down of the hospitality suite. They will also be responsible for shopping for the food and drinks with reimbursement by the organization.

Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-2 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and will increase the closure to the conference.

Section 11

The Website/Computer coordinator will be responsible for the FIAT computer and website maintenance. Approximate time spent conducting these duties varies throughout the year. During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 5-10 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and will increase the closure to the conference.

  • Website updates: work with security company (Site Lock); Hosting/Domain company (BlueHost); WordPress
  • Update the actual website with board members; members data base; conference announcement; paypal link.
  • Website WEEKLY updates: WordPress sends out updates on the site, when/if needed.
  • Works with treasurer closely on financials
  • Computer: update Microsoft office; McAfee anti-virus
  • Assist with sound/visual production at the conference.

Section 12

The Board of Governors shall have general charge of all interest of the Association. The Board shall consider and report at each meeting all proposed measures for the benefit of the members and the general welfare of the Association. The Board shall select the location of the meeting, adopt ways and means for the purpose of advancement of the Association and assist in every way to promote the interest of the Association in all matters pertaining to its purpose.

During the conference planning phase (Jan-Oct) it may take 1-3 hours a week. Again, these hours vary and will increase the closure to the conference.

Article VI


Section 1

Prior to elections, the Executive Board in attendance at the annual conference and at the Board Meeting may nominate individuals, in good standing, to replace vacant positions or outgoing officer positions.

Section 2

Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote and to hold office.

Article VII

Terms of Office

Section 1

The Chairman will serve a 3 year term with the option to request additional terms.
President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President and 4th Vice President shall not serve consecutive terms of office which will run from the Annual Conference. The Secretary and Treasurer semi-permanent positions that may be vacated on decision of office holder or be removed by Officers or the Board of Governors.

Section 2

The Board of Governors shall be a staggered term of office: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 year.

Section 3

Should an office be vacated for any reason, the vacated position shall be filled by the appointment of a member in good standing by the Officers and Board of Governors and shall be flexible in their appointment of that individual.

Section 4

Should an officer be found incompetent or derelict in his duties, he/she shall, at the discretion of the Executive Board, be relieved of his/her office.

Article VIII


Unless specifically covered by the Constitution and By-laws, all procedures shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.

Article IX


Amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws must be proposed by the Executive Board and presented at a regular meeting of the Association. Passage of any amendment must be voted by a majority of members present at the regular meeting of the Association.

Article IV, Section 1
Article V, Section 6 & 7
Article VII, Section 1
All of the above revised August 1983, San Antonio, TX ‘,’To improve relationships between law enforcement officers, departments and agencies, both public and private, in an effort to increase efficiency in processing and suppressing check, credit card and fraud offenses.
ARTICLE II – Membership – Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE III- Officers – Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX

ARTICLE III – Section 3 – Revised August 28, 1981 in El Paso, TX.
ARTICLE III – Section 3 – Revised August 23, 1986 in Clear Lake, TX
ARTICLE III – Section 3 – Revised August 28, 1992 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE I – Revised September 27, 2002 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE III – Section 3, Revised November 5, 2004 in Austin, TX
ARTICLE II  – Section 1, Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE III – Section 1, Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE IV – Section 1, Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE V – Section 1-10, Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX
ARTICLE VII – Section 1, 2, Revised May 20, 2020 in Dallas, TX

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